Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The biggest news of last week had to be Yahoo selling its Search business to Microsoft. That now leaves Microsoft's Bing and Google to fight it out for search. Poor Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz is going to sell off the other crown jewels of Yahoo (Music, Sports, etc.) in what will basically amount to a 1980's style LBO. After a great decade long run, Yahoo is soon to join AOL in the internet history books of failed companies.

1. I need to revise my first blog about Microsoft's Bing versus Google. I am actually using Bing, but only for travel searches. Their flight predictor and ease of booking travel is really taking over my travel needs from Expedia.

2. Steve Ballmer proved himself a worthy successor to Bill Gates recently abdicated Microsoft throne. After wanting to overpay for Yahoo with it's initial $45 billion bid for the whole company, all Microsoft really needed was the Search business, which it got for a song. Definitely the best business deal of any company in the last 5 years.

Which gets us right back to Google. Google Chief Eric Schmidt just quit the Apple Board. Given the long simmering tensions and business overlaps, this resignation was a long time coming. Apple also finally has a competitive threat from the Palm Pre. Apple recently blocked Pre phones from having access to ITunes. But don't count Apple out yet....Mark my words, and you heard it here first......drum roll please.....

Apple is releasing a new phone next year. Not a next generation (like the 3GS), but whole new phone. Apple must have watched in horror as it new competitiors - LG, Motorola, Blackberry all rolled out IPhone clones. Nothing to do for the Apple design engineers but to come up with a new phone altogether. Mind you, I could be wrong, but I think we'll see a whole new IPhone come July 2010.

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