Monday, March 22, 2010


Last week, the United States made a major announcement about the future of telecommunications for the country. On March 16th, the Federal Communications Commission released the National Broadband Plan. For the country that created and nurtured the development and deployment of the internet worldwide, the United States is wisely making a big bet on broadband as the future of this country's communications. Just like the telephone before it, the United States is mandating universal access to broadband for its citizens. To the U.S., the internet is more important than a landline, a cell phone, a television, or a radio. And I couldn't agree more.

I have blogged before about how important it is for faster broadband speeds, but no less then the future economy of the world will depend on which country most effectively utilizes broadband internet speeds and access for its citizens. Since the United States nurtures small businesses more than any other country, it is U.S. small businesses that have the most to gain from this.

Where goes the government, goes private investment in infrastructure. And where there's broadband, there's entertainment content. I said it over 10 years ago, but its worth saying again, with all of its hopes and promises and dreams, it turns out the internet is just a massive delivery system.

Read the National Broadband Plan here:

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