Wednesday, May 5, 2010

2,816 MILES FOR A TACO BELL??!!?!?!!

Manhattanites are truly one of kind Americans. Despite having absolutely everything you could ever possibly need in the United States on an 11 mile long island, it is amazing to me the lengths New Yorkers will go when everything is literally in your own back yard.

For example, I know this New Yorker, let's call him Brandon (since that's his name). Now Brandon LOVES Taco Bell. There are at least 6 Taco Bell's in Manhattan, but Brandon refuses to get on a train (or walk - heaven forbid!) to any of those Taco Bell's. No, no. Instead, Brandon gets on a plane at JFK Airport in New York and flies almost 3,000 miles, has me pick him up at the airport and immediately take him to the Taco Bell near LAX. Brandon loves Taco Bell, but definitely not enough to leave his neighborhood in Hell's Kitchen and travel south to Chelsea to make a "run for the border".

There HAS to be an TV Advertising campaign in here somewhere. Are you listening corporate marketing executives at YUM Brands?

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