Saturday, April 24, 2010


This week, I've been directly working on the culmination of 2 research studies I commissioned for the studio. The first study is a Media Landscape overview of 1 European country and the other is a platform, consumer behavior, and channel profile study of an emerging technology in 5 European countries. Cumulatively, I've spent over 70 hours working on the first study and 100 hours working on the other study. The results of both studies are very encouraging.

1. We're getting good, actionable information for both studies. 2. Ultimately, my boss is pleased, and that makes me very happy. 3. All of this data should be ready for presentation during LA Screenings, which is perfect timing. 4. I feel strongly enough about the data to present to corporate management at the studio.

I like utilizing research to give actionable sales data, it only makes the research more valuable. But then it hit me on my way home from the gym last week....the relationships I'm cultivating now in the research community will definitely help me when it comes time to write my doctoral thesis. I made a promise to myself that as soon as I paid off all my student loan debt from getting my MBA, I would immediately start applying for my PhD. I need to find a PhD program that allows me to work full time while spending a few years writing my thesis. My thesis will definitely be rooted in the international media/television industry. Actually, what I would like to do is prod both of my parents into all of us working on getting our doctorates at the same time. Now that would be incredible. I know both of my parents want a doctorate.

I'm excited to get started, now I need to pay off this debt faster.

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