Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today, Joran van der Sloot was arrested in Chile for the killing of another young woman in Peru. I remember watching the shocking documentary on Dutch television where a skillful reporter worked for months on a story about getting van der Sloot to admit to the killing of Nathalee Holloway. And now, almost 5 years ago to the day, van der Sloot took another life.

While I am not sure he can be considered a serial killer with only 2 murders, it does draw strange parallels with the O.J. Simpson case. Both O.J. and van der Sloot literally got away with cold blooded murder. It must effect the psyche of the murderer to realize they have gotten away with their crime. O.J. wrote a "fictional" account of the murder of his wife, that was largely true and van der Sloot unknowingly confessed to murder on international television. If you can get away with it once, why not twice? O.J. is now in jail for breaking and entering a casino with a loaded weapon (a big No, No in Nevada), and van der Sloot took another life in Peru.

No justice system is perfect, but let's hope fewer and fewer people literally get way with murder: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/06/08/world/AP-LT-Peru-Van-der-Sloot.html?_r=1&hp

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