Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So where are all the Republicans now with their cheerful, "Drill Baby, Drill" slogan. Mr. McCain? Mrs. Palin? Anyone?

Never in my life have I witnessed an ecological disaster of this magnitude before. And there is the very real possibility that I will be personally effected by it since I own property on Miami Beach, which is wholly dependent on an international beach-going population for its revenue and livelihood.

But there are 3 major stories that I feel are being glossed over by the media. First, what about the 11 lives that were tragically lost with the rig catching on fire and sinking? We should all say a little prayer for those poor souls who perished that night. Where are the write ups on their lives? Second, what about the recovery operation on the rig? Hundreds of tons of burnt steel sitting on the ocean floor and that cannot be good for the already heavily damaged environment in the Gulf of Mexico.

The 3rd unnoticed but good story that no one is reporting on are the Gulf State residents whose lives are being ruined by this disaster standing up to BP and the government. After listening to all of the help "government" was going to "give" them after Hurricane Katrina, no one is signing waivers for the right to seek redress through the court system for this disaster. The Gulf States may be Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, but good for the residents of those states. "Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you."

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