Monday, August 16, 2010


Come on President Obama. I'm no political strategist, but with the November midterm election right around the corner, I would never have handed the Republicans a meaty bone the size of OK-ing a mosque being built near Ground Zero. Like the Roadrunner, Republicans painted a tunnel on the side of a rock. The Roadrunning Republicans ran right through the tunnel. And President Obama ended up like Wil E. Coyote - instead of zooming through the tunnel, you ran right into the rock wall. Who is running strategy at the White House? Politics 101 students at GWU?

How a Manhattan based zoning issue turned into a national referendum is beyond me, but this is the polarizing political climate we live in today. I'm not sure I understand why is this even a discussion? If a Christian or Jewish terrorist group had committed a terrorist act, would we stop building temples or churches in the United States? No. So why hurt an entire religious group of Americans and punish them for something they had no part of?

90% of the people upset around the country have never even been to New York City. Or seen Ground Zero recently and then walked 2 long blocks away where the Muslim Center is being built. The Muslim Center (that has a mosque inside) will completely rejuvenate that neighborhood. This is a private citizen issue, not a federal political issue. The government has no business or justification to do anything. And that's written into the U.S. Constitution. For those worried about national security, come on. You think the Department of Homeland Security isn't all over that center already? The CIA & FBI will pick up any terrorist who heads to New York City to see the "glory of the mosque."

Everyone please calm down. Building on the World Trade Center site is one thing. Building "near" it is a complete non-issue.

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