Sunday, April 5, 2009


The Iowa Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in Iowa this week.  Iowa joins Massachusetts and Conneticut as the other 2 states that currently allow gay marriage.  According to the this great article in the New York Times: a full court press is underway to make gay marriage legal in all 6 New England states.  This state by state battle will hopefully culminate into federally legal marriage laws for gay & lesbian couples in my lifetime.  I certainly hope so.  The fight for equal rights continues forward.  Although there is 1 thing I know for sure, just like all of the other civil rights in this country, this battle will go all the way to the United States Supreme Court to be decided.  And that's the most important court battle of all. I pray that we are ready and victorious.

UPDATE: The Vermont legislature overturned a veto from Governor Jim Douglas' veto making Vermont the 4th state to legalize gay marriage and the first state to do so through the legislative rather than a court process.

Here's a really sad article on gays in Iraq:

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