Sunday, April 19, 2009


And here I go again.....from being born in Malden to Everett to Andover to Amesbury (high school) to Amherst (college at UMass) - all in Massachusetts.  Then Amherst to Los Angeles for 11 1/2 years (minus the 8 months living and working in London) to Miami Beach.  And now Miami Beach back to Los Angeles.  I was very fortunate in these economic conditions to be promoted to Vice President of Warner Bros. International Television.  

While it will be nice to be back in LA, I am depressed about leaving Miami Beach.  It is nothing but an understatement to say that I truly love Miami Beach.  I have had the best time living in Miami Beach for so many reasons.....the morning swims in the Atlantic Ocean, walking to the beach every weekend, actually, walking everywhere on the weekends since I don't drink and drive.  Pitchers of daquiris from the Palace at 12th Street Beach.  12th St. Beach has been great to me.  I have made a great group of friends both here in Miami and in New York City.  After a decade of seeing my parents twice a year, it has been great having them only 2 hours away in Florida.  Europe is a closer flight, New York is just 2 1/2 short hours away.  I love the State of Florida as well - Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Tampa, Fort Myers, Cape Canaveral and the Space Shuttle launches, Orlando..... I was able to visit Boston and see my grandparents and extended family more often than living in LA.  Buying my first piece of real estate, getting my MBA the equally beautiful University of Miami.  Miami Beach is such a beautiful city.  Truly America's Riveria.

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