Thursday, April 2, 2009


The answer is Daniel Day Lewis. Mr. Lewis is a selective actor, having only done 27 films so far, and if you exclude television, only 19 films. Daniel Day Lewis has 4 Oscar nominations and 2 Oscar wins for Best Actor, which certainly help cement my claim. Watch any of Daniel Day Lewis' films and you will see an intense and consummate actor. Totally devoted to his craft and completely mesmerizing to watch. He has a power on screen that is simply magnetic.

What I like about Zac Efron is in interviews he was quoted many times saying how much he wanted to talk to Leonardo DiCaprio for advice on how to go from teen hearttrob to serious working actor. Mr. DiCaprio has 3 Best Actor nominations himself and is certain to win an Oscar for Best Actor in an upcoming role.  And as much as there could be parallels between Zac & Leo, really, everyone should be asking for the chance to sit down with Daniel Day Lewis on how to really be an actor.  Mr. Day Lewis never repeats himself in his roles, and lately has expanded into singing and dancing by playing the lead in the upcoming Rob Marshall film "Nine".  After "Nine" Day Lewis is working with Martin Scorsese for the second time in "Silence".

Daniel Day Lewis was way ahead in the "straight man playing a gay man on film role" with his performance in 1985's "My Beautiful Launderette".  And here's a little known fact, he is married to Rebecca Miller, the playwright Arthur Miller's daughter.  This exciting actor always gives a riveting performance. 

While there are certainly many other great living actors working today:  Anthony Hopkins, Sean Penn, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., none give quite as an intense an acting performance on film as Daniel Day Lewis.  I wonder if that acting skill would translate on stage?  Can you imagine Mr. Day Lewis in an Arthur Miller or Tennessee Williams play on Broadway?  Now that would really be something to see.

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