Wednesday, February 10, 2010


For the movie industry, Spring is the low season that falls in between the 2 most profitable times of the year, Winter and Summer. January is typically the dumping ground for all the bad movies studio don't know when to release any other time of year. February is the token Valentine's Day romantic comedy movie season (although still a profitable month). March is typically comedies and college films since its Spring Break and April is just the warm up to May when Summer begins and the cash registers start ringing again.

Stunningly enough, this year there are 2 movies that I'm really looking forward to in March and April. The Green Zone opens March 12th starrring one of my favorite actors (Matt Damon) and one of my Top 5 favorite directors (Paul Greengrass). Mr. Damon and Mr. Greengrass did the 2 best Bourne films and I really love Paul Greengrass' kinetic smash cut film style. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Directing for the equally gripping United 93.

The other movie opening in April is Wall Street Money Never Sleeps. Wall Street is one of my all time favorite films. No film better defined the decade that was the 1980's than Wall Street. And Michael Douglas ran away with the Academy Award for Best Actor for Gordon Gekko. Gordon Gekko is one of the most powerful film performances given by an actor in the last 25 years. I'm optimistic that with Oliver Stone directing and Michael Douglas reprising his Oscar winning role, that the film will at least live up to Wall Street.

UPDATE: Wall Street 2 has been pushed from April 23rd to September 24th. FOX wants the movie at Cannes in May.

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