Wednesday, February 17, 2010


For me, the process of writing this blog is as much editing as it is writing. I have a list of topics and I try to pick the most interesting or relevant ones and see where the writing takes me. If it's not compelling, I try not to waste your time reading it and my time writing it.

Some items never make it onto the blog. One item that I have been sitting on for the last 6 months is that I need a new best friend. I've had a falling out with my 2 best friends (both of whom live in New York City) for different reasons, and I'm looking to fill that void since I've been without a best friend for about 3 years now.

This runs in tandem with a similar unwritten blog, that is the one thing I haven't done in LA is made any new friends. I can barely keep up with the 6 close friends I have here in LA (Dana, Tommy, Wade, Tim, Alan, Chad Michael), add onto that long working hours, working out and life in general (food shopping, paying bills, watching TV, going to the movies) and a long distance relationship and I don't know where I could carve out the time to make a new friend. The fact is I've also been holding back since I don't want to come off sounding like, "Poor me," when I have an amazing set of friends and a great life on top of that.

But sure enough, after months of sitting on the blog writing list and never making it, here it is. Why? Because for the first time in 3 years, I got an out of the blue text that turned into an very nice out of the blue 1 hour phone call from my best friend from college whom I've now know for 20 years. I won't go into the details, but suffice it to say that, just like my other best friend in New York who I randomly and literally ran into in the middle of New York Gay Pride on a crowded street corner this past summer, you never know when people will leave and re-enter your life. I'm glad Yoey's back in my life and I look forward to reconnecting with someone I have know known, loved and respected for over 2 decades.

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