Thursday, February 25, 2010


I know it's only the end of February, but I'm predicting a huge flop of a film coming up this summer. The new Jerry Bruckheimer/Disney movie The Sorcerer's Apprentice will bomb at the boxoffice in the Summer of 2010. (Notice I didn't say the first flop or the only flop). Have you seen the trailer for this? Nicholas Cage is box office poison and it doesn't look like a kids film. Good luck with this one Rich Ross. Now we know why Dick Cook was let go:

Awful, even the cool effects can't distract from how bad this movie is.

In an entirely different category, FOX needs to recut the trailer for the Tina Fey/Steve Carell movie Date Night. This trailer has 2 really funny actors in a poorly edited, unfunny trailer:

Let's get it together Disney & FOX.

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