Monday, January 19, 2009


The first is CBS' Nancy Tellum at the TCA press tour this week slamming Ben Silverman and Jeff Zucker.

From Daily Variety:  Network rival NBC has clearly given up on storytelling in the 10 o’clock hour with its move of bringing in Jay Leno five nights a week. Business-wise it might make sense but writers, actors and agents are, obviously, unhappy. Her thoughts on a primetime talkshow? And would that effect what CBS airs in the hour?

 ‘My first reaction was to say thank you. Our 10 o’clock programs do extremely well. It’s a coveted time period. The creative community was shocked. So many top tier talents vie for that time period,” she said, while adding that she didn’t see the need to rebuild the hour’s template because of the Peacock’s past errors. “Why should one network’s failure in development redirect an entire schedule strategy?”

 And the second one is from my dear friend Dr. Mike.  For those of you who do not have a friend who is a doctor, I cannot recommend enough having as many doctor friends as possible (not just for the obvious second opinion). I have 3, 2 anesthesiologists and 1 resident, and they all have great stories to tell.  No wonder doctor shows never run out storylines.  Dr. Mike is a first year resident at Jackson Memorial here in Miami.  Dr. Mike has become a very good friend since we first met early this summer.  Anywho, this is the time of year when everyone gets a cold (at least everyone who doesn't live in Florida).  And here's Dr. Mike perspective on cold & flu season:

“Oh, I hate it when people get sick.  It means I have to work more.”

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