Friday, January 16, 2009


Publicly, I'm not openly religious or patriotic, but I have a deep abiding faith of both in private.  What happened yesterday on with US Airways Flight 1549 was nothing short of a miracle.  The fact that all 155 persons on board that flight were all successfully rescued is just incredible.

From a patriotic standpoint, I find it amazing that so much of New York City's finest moments happen from airline tragedy.  The 9/11 parallels were eerie.  There is not a city in the world I would rather be in more than New York City if I was in life threating danger.  The resident of New York City, and by extension the citizens of the United States, are filled with compassion and are incredibly heroic.  U.S. citizens rush to save complete strangers in the harshest of circumstances, with less regard for their own personal safety, and the highest priority for saving someone they do not know, if they can.  To watch a city come together with such speed makes me feel so proud inside, and so thankful that no lives were lost.  Yesterday could have been a heartbreaking tragedy during a week when the nation prepares for a historic celebration for a New American 21st Century.  A better second decade than first.  

UPDATE:  60 Minutes Katie Couric profile of the captain, crew and passengers stories in February 2009 was great:

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