Wednesday, January 7, 2009


A little bit of U.S. history happened in 2009 (they'll be a lot more U.S. history made later on in the month, but more on that later.....).  Today, all 5 of the living Presidents had lunch at the White House.  It was quite an extrodinary sight to see.  First of all, you have to give Obama props for throwing George Bush a bone with this photo op.  And you have to give Bush props for recognizing a good idea and implementing it.

If I was Barak Obama, I would make this a yearly luncheon event.  Only these 5 men have an actual perspective on this job.  Their counsel and advice would definitely be helpful to any sitting President.  And like any other piece of advice you receive, he can take it or leave it.

Of all of the things they discussed, what I want to know is did they discuss how to handle it when the press and the citizens turn on you and you become an unpopular President?  At one time, every one of those Presidents was beloved, and in every case they were later vilified.  Comes with the job I guess......

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