Saturday, January 23, 2010


Lately, there are 2 new phrases sweeping the nation that I find ridiculous. They both mean the same thing, but both are such stupid expressions. The 2 dumb statements are" "Do you have any skin in the game?" or "Do you have a dog in the fight?"

If you mean, do I have an opinion on a topic and that my opinion might be shaded by my particular point of view? OK, then let's try and have an intelligent conversation about that, but don't ask me if "I have any skin the game."

For example, Mel Gibson was being interviewed by a local reporter on the news about his upcoming movie. When asked by the reporter if he had any regrets about the well reported comments attributed to Mr. Gibson, (I'm unsure if he was referring to the blatantly sexist remarks or the anti-Semetic ones) Mr. Gibson shot back at the reporter: "Do you have a dog in the fight?" Which is just a snide way of asking, "Are you a Jew?" Its as if Mr. Gibson was saying, well, you're Jewish so of course you would be offended by my remarks. Here's the story:

Mr. Gibson, I am neither Jewish nor a woman. So with no "dog in the fight," I feel I can safely tell you that both remarks are rude to everyone, not just women or members of the Jewish faith. Please stop being such an asshole, and even if you don't believe in your apology (and I doubt he does), at least man up enough to admit that your comments are hurtful and unnecessary.

And yes, my opinion will be shaded by my particular point of view, who's isn't? I don't have to be impartial to pick a side or have a strong opinion about a given topic. And if I have a bias, I'm aware enough to recognize that and still have an opinion about it. I like strong opinions, not impartial ones. If I want an impartial opinion, I'll ask a judge or a stranger. But please, don't ask me if I have any skin in the game or dog in the fight. Trust me, I do.

Also, I don't in any way endorse or support any form of dog fighting.

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