Tuesday, September 1, 2009


On Sunday, August 16th, 2009 I celebrated my 13th anniversary of working for Warner Bros. International Television. I started at Warner Bros. as a Research Analyst in the Summer of 1996 and I was 25 years old. Warner Bros. has promoted me to Senior Research Analyst, Manager of Research, Director of Research, and now Vice President of Research.

Warner Bros. has moved me from Los Angeles to London for 8 months to cover a maternity leave. In 2004, Warner Bros. transferred me to Miami for 5 years. And in 2009, Warner Bros. moved me from Miami back to Los Angeles.

I have survived 3 recessions, including getting promoted during this Great Recession. I have survived the Turner & AOL mergers and at least 3 "downsizings". At Warner Bros., I have had or have 7 different direct supervisors. I have always worked for the same President of Warner Bros. International Television.

While I have certainly given Warner Bros. my blood, sweat and tears, they did create a Vice President of Research position for me without having to fire anyone. They carved Research out from Marketing, made it its own stand alone department, and I now have 3 direct reports in Los Angeles, 3 in Miami, and 2 in London.

I consider myself hard working and just a little bit lucky. And when I was working at Disney and Universal, I had always wanted to work for Warner Bros. I watched all the Looney Tunes as a kid. In my career I have had the priviledge of working on such historic entertainment projects such as ER, Friends, the Matrix films, the Harry Potter films, The Big Bang Theory, and countless other films and TV shows. Including Warner Bros., the 2009/2010 TV season (which gets underway next week) will by my 16th television season, which each one as exciting as the last.

Television, and Warner Bros. more directly have afforded me my car, my condo in Miami, to travel the world, and live the life I have been blessed to live. I think 13 is a very lucky anniversary year for me.

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