Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I don't know what's gotten into me lately, but there have been several major news stories that I have all but ignored. The first is the Jaycee Dugard story. It was big news on the front page of the New York Times, the lead story on all the cable news networks, and of course, a People magazine cover. The Jaycee Dugard story was in the news cycle for over a week. Now that's durability in the age of internet news and a proliferation of multiple 24 hour cable news channels.

The other story that I am completely oblivious to is the Yale student who was murdered. Again, this has been in the news cycle for over a week, and I could not tell you first thing about it. Granted, the link here seems to be that if it bleeds, I don't reads (incorrect verb tense intended for rhythmic readability). With the little time I do have each day to read, I don't want to read stories of the horror other people inflict upon each other.

Another subject that I would read intensely about, but has noticeably declined in my daily reading is politics. Although I do still follow it closely, I don't read as much about politics as I used to. A 2 year presidential election news cycle definitely lead to my political news fatigue.

I find myself watching CNBC from the time I get up at 7AM until I leave my office at 7PM. I find myself reading only business news, corporation news, stories on the economy, stories about the new TV season including any and all marketing, show publicity pieces, talent interviews, promotions, ratings, and as many new technology stories as I can.

Maybe this is just a phase I'm going through with adjusting to my new job or maybe it's a permanent trend. The last permanent reading trend was when I completely stopped reading fiction novels 8 years ago, and now I can only read biographies, or nonfiction. I used to exclusively read fiction - Stephen King, Dean Koonz, John Saul, and now I can't even open any of their books. Why read about something that didn't happen it when there is so much that happened in the real world that I want to know more about. And I do fill my fiction content quotient, that's why I go to the movies.

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