Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I recently read a fascinating article in the New York Times about the God Gene. While the article gives a fair and balanced account of the both the pros and cons of the science that religion is hard wired into our genetics, it does make some sense.

Throughout history, as long as there has been man, there has been God. What's interesting to me is the evolution of religion from a polytheistic to now a monotheistic perspective in modern times. And an even larger evolution in religion having taken place over the last 2000 years, where if your god wasn't humanized (Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Dali Lama), then you're religion seems in decline in the world today.

Regardless of how religious you are or are not, it's an interesting read: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/weekinreview/12wade.html?scp=1&sq=god%20gene&st=cse

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