Thursday, December 3, 2009


Continuing my ode to artistic geniuses blogging.....

Back in the late 1700's and 1800's there were thousands of classical music composers. Today, only a handful have truly stood the test of time and survived for almost 250 years. Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Wagner....these are names in music that will be remembered in music and live on forever.

When I look around at today's modern musical artists and acts, I find myself asking, who are today's genius musicians? Who in my lifetime will be remembered 250 years from now in 2260? Certainly Elvis, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Madonna, U2, Bruce Springstein, but there is definitely another name to add to that list and that's Jay Z. Jay Z is an indisputable musical prodigy, just like Beethoven. His lyrics, his beats, and his music will always be remembered.

Truth be told, I may have 3 Jay Z songs in my whole music collection. But I can always recognize true geniuses, the art that they create and for how long it will endure.

Just like a symphony goer in the late 1800's going to see the world premiere of Symphony #5. To be among the first human beings ever to hear that music. How incredible must it be as an audience member to be there the first time that music is ever played? It must be truly a magical experience. It may seem silly to say so, but going to a Jay Z concert is the 21st century version of seeing Beethoven live.

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